University internships are teaching and learning scenarios that integrate the substantive functions of the University, promoting the transfer of the knowledge acquired and the competencies and skills developed by students, which have the capacity to transform the context in which they are developed, meeting the needs of the organizations where they are carried out.

Universidad de La Sabana facilitates practical learning experiences through which students are brought closer to the reality of social, public and private organizations, while applying their knowledge and skills acquired throughout their academic program in a work context. These experiences take place through scenarios such as professional and social internships, micro-internships and other types of experiences in which the University and the partner organization join forces to accompany students in their training process at different stages of their careers.

Internship modalities

Professional internship

These are formative and experiential learning spaces in which students apply and develop the skills and competencies necessary to perform in the work environment. During their internship period, students formulate an impact project for companies, taking into account their operations, organizational culture and economic sector.

Academic Programs: Faculty of Communication, Faculty of Philosophy and Human Sciences, Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Political Sciences and International School of Economics and Administrative Sciences.

Social internship

The objective of the internship is to get eighth semester students to connect and engage with reality and social problems. To this end, they work during the semester with foundations which they accompany in the development of activities and/or the elaboration of strategies for the resolution of problems. 

Academic Programs: Faculty of Communication; International School of Economics and Administrative Sciences (Business Administration and Administration & Service Programs).


This is the first practical experience that brings students closer to the work environment. It seeks to generate sustainable impact and benefit in organizations, while allowing students to develop their soft and technical skills from the fourth semester onwards. It is a semester internship (6 hours per week) in which students must work on a specific project, delivered to the organization.  

Academic Program: Faculty of Engineering.

Short Internships

This inter-semester internship program connects students in their sixth, seventh or eighth semester with companies or enterprises (of graduates), in which they apply their theoretical and practical knowledge and which is materialized in the development of an applied project that evidences the assurance of learning and generates an impact on the organization. 

Academic Programs: International School of Economics and Administrative Sciences and Faculty of Engineering.

Internship Platform

The Universidad de La Sabana has the Talentum Sabana platform, which allows to AUTOMATE the process of filling vacancies for INTERNSHIPS and maintains the respective documentary support and academic follow-up by the educational institution, the organization and the student, generating the necessary traceability throughout the internship process.