About Colombia:

  • Official language:Spanish.
  • Population: 48.23 million inhabitants (2015)
  • Currency: Colombian peso. The bill denominations are $ 1,000, $ 2,000, $ 5,000, $ 10,000, $ 20,000 and $ 50,000 and $ 100,000 pesos, and coin denominations of $ 50, $ 100, $ 200, $ 500 and $ 1,000.
  • Currency converter: http://www.colombia.travel/es/informacion-practica/convertidor-de-moneda
  • Time zone: The time zone in Colombia is GMT-5. Being located on the equatorial line, the entire Colombian territory has the same time zone. The sun rises at 6:00 a.m. and sets at 6:00 p.m all year round.
  • Voltage:110 V. Electrical outlets are type A or B.

The capital of Colombia is located in the central part of the country. It is a large city that houses more than 8 million people and offers a wide variety of cultural activities, restaurants and tourist attractions.

Altitude:2,625 meters above sea level. Bogotá is one of the highest cities in Latin America, along with cities like Quito, Ecuador, and La Paz, Bolivia. Some people are likely to suffer from the so-called "altitude sickness", which can cause some temporary discomfort while the body adapts to the altitude.

Average temperature:14 degrees Celsius. The climate of Bogotá may change abruptly, going from sunny days, during which temperature can rise up to 20 degrees or more, to heavy downpours. It is better to be prepared for the cold, the sun and the rain.

Airport: Aeropuerto Internacional El Dorado (https://eldorado.aero/)

Related links: Bogota tourist guide for half a day, a day or a weekend. Source: www.colombia.co

http://www.colombia.co/visita-colombia/guia-turistica-de-bogota-para-medio-   dia-un-dia-o-un-fin-de-semana/

Chía is a Colombian municipality in the department of Cundinamarca, located in the Province of Sabana Centro, 10 km north of Bogotá, having 132,691 inhabitants.

It is known as «The City of the Moon», in reference to the etymology of its name, which comes from the Muisca goddess of the Moon and the Muisca god of the sun, which is the locality of Suba. With 132,691 inhabitants, it is the third most populated municipality of Sabana de Bogotá.

Cultural offerings: Historical Center and Main Park of Chia. For several years now, the access ways to the Main Park have been for pedestrian use, exclusively. It hosts a number cafes and restaurants, as well as the town’s city hall and the parish of Santa Lucía. Puente del Común. It is one of the old civil engineering works from the times of the Viceroyalty. El Castillo Marroquín. It was built by French architect Gastón Lelarge. It has been declared part of the cultural heritage of the municipality, and it is used for hosting events and different kinds of meetings.

Weather: The average temperature is 14 °C, very similar to Bogotá.

Related links:https://www.chia-cundinamarca.gov.co/