Specialization in Cardiovascular Electrophysiology

The Cardiovascular Electrophysiology specialists will have the capacities, abilities, skills, aptitudes and attitudes to perform tasks of health promotion and prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of cardiovascular disease within a framework of humanistic, ethical, bioethical, legal and efficient action; to reflect on the problems arising in their daily practice and to generate solutions through basic and clinical research that lead inter and multidisciplinary actions aimed at improving the health of the subjects in their area of influence and maintaining a disposition towards continuing education and permanent evaluation of their medical work.

Degree and level study

Specialization in Cardiovascular Electrophysiology. Graduate.


1 Colombian credit= 8 on-site hours + 40 hours of independent work (48 hours).

Language of Instruction

English-taught subjects.

* To request the program stucture in English, please send an e-mail to internacionales@unisabana.edu.co 


2 years.

Study Mode

12 sesions taugh on campus. Full-time program and night rotations.

This program is taught on Campus, at Puente del Común, Km. 7, Autopista Norte de Bogotá. Chía, Cundinamarca, Colombia

Medical rotations will take place at the different clinical practice sites

Internship host 

Institution Location
Fundación Cardioinfantil      Bogotá, D.C


Type of academic training offered

Medical and Surgical Specialization.

Code in the Colombian National Data System of Higher Education (SNIES, Spanish acronym):


Tuition and other costs:

Registration: $ 150.000 COP/ 45 USD aprox.

Tuition in Colombian pesos (COP): $75.320.000. Approximate amount in US dollars: 19.965 USD.

*All amounts in dollars are approximate values. The amount is calculated according to the USD exchange rate of the day.

Qualified Registry issued by the National Education Ministry:

Qualified Registry by Resolution number 9246, October 18 2011, valid during 7 years.

For more information, please see the website in Spanish.