
La Universidad de La Sabana, a higher-education civilian institution, ensures that professors, students and other members of the university cloister are freely committed to seeking, discovering, communicating and preserving the truth in all fields of knowledge, in unity of life and with coherence of thought, words and actions, based on a Christian conception of man and the world, as a way to contribute to the progress of society.

It promotes respect for the transcendent dignity of the human person and, in an environment of responsible freedom, it promotes an integral perfectioning of all members of the academic community, with personalized attention and a creative, rigorous and interdisciplinary academic exercise.

In addition, it encourages to do and experience work as service, and a means to build a just, peaceful and supportive society.

The university relates to all sectors of society and contributes with legitimate solutions to its multiple and complex problems through an interdisciplinary, competent and supportive work. This work is the result of the joint action of research and teaching, which focus on common good, coexistence and cooperation among men-without any discrimination-and on the unconditional recognition of human life, of the person and of the family in society.


The university plans its future taking into consideration two starting points: its internal reality and the external forces that gravitate in the present.. This future is one that formulates and affirms its Mission, and expresses its aims and aspirations in the medium and long term, as well as the way it expects to be recognized.

From this perspective:

  • We want to make Universidad de La Sabana a focus of superior knowledge, of the first order, at the service of the person, the family and society. We want to "educate men of knowledge with a Christian sense of life." We want to cultivate science in this environment, conducive to a serene reflection, based on the most solid principles, and we want for its light to be projected through all fields of knowledge"*. To achieve this level of quality, we must employ the most suitable people, offer them the means to continue their training, and acquire the technical and economic resources that will allow us to carry out our mission.
  • We want a university that is open to anyone who wishes to attend for professional training; a school that, by valuing criteria of honesty, coherence of life, and willingness to serve, is capable of stimulating, through its work, the configuration of a more just and humane society.
  • We want a university that values people, their needs and their development aspirations at all levels.
  • We want a university in which all the members of the academic community are committed to their mission and their purpose.
  • We want a university that focuses on its professors, promoting research and their humanistic, scientific, technical and artistic and pedagogical training, and we want professors who enjoy permanent opportunities for their development and improvement.
  • We want a university in which all its professors and employees find opportunities for personal and professional growth, as well as the necessary means for a dignified and comfortable life for themselves and their families.
  • We want a university with highly capable students, convinced of their academic project, with a critical capacity and an adult and responsible perspective of life.
  • We want a university that is open to all people with the required conditions for higher education at the level at which it is taught at the school, regardless of their financial situation.
  • We want a university that, while conscious of the conditions and the reality in which it is inserted, becomes a permanent and valid interlocutor before the academic and scientific community and before the different sectors of society and culture; a university that promotes cooperation for the development of projects and joint programs and the exchange of talents and resources.
  • We want a university that serves as a beacon of light, enlightening and broadcasting a highly structured way of thinking in all fields of knowledge from a Christian perspective.
  • We want a university whose commitment to the development of knowledge contributes with solutions to major problems and to responding to the new demands and needs of society.
  • We want a university that is open to the transmission of knowledge, ready to give the best opportunities and to make education a permanent and flexible process.

*Beato Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, La Universidad. Foco cultural de primer orden, 25 X 1960.