Performance tuning

Speed is to be considered as a feature!

To increase the "reactivity" of a website there isn't any magic solution but rather a combination of different fine tunings with different level of impact and difficulty of implementation. A good reading to start would be this wiki page.

While being the most demanding approach, it can be advised looking towards Varnish for websites with big traffic. There are some extensions available on the TER integrating Varnish with TYPO3.

For the need of the Bootstrap Package, it has been installed and configured the extension "static file cache" which transparently cache pages as static HTML. Using mod_rewrite and mod_expires increases the response times by a factor of 230! As a good side, cache pages get automatically reset when content get updated in the Backend by a user. Notice, the .htaccess file, contained in the document root, contains some special rules for dealing with static pages versus dynamic pages.